Soul Loss Assessment & Retrieval

From: $222.00

Do you feel shut down and disconnected? Do you have unhealed traumas? This is a 3 day event. Day 1 is assessment and goals. We talk on a zoom call or in person where I will assess your energy, your chakras, and go deep into your energy to find root problems that are keeping you from living in your full potential. I will find out your goals and find where your blocks are in your soul that prevent you from living that life.
The second day is the day of your healing and soul retrieval. It is just as effective if done over the phone or in person.
On the last day we meet up to see how you are doing. To assess where you are and I discuss a plan of action with you to help you move forward. I help you create working tools for you to use in your life to help facilitate soul healing.
These sessions aren’t timed. I’m committed to helping you fully.


Do you feel shut down? Have you experienced major traumatic events where you feel you’re unable to move past those pains and live freely and peacefully? You may have experienced soul loss. This is my area of expertise. I have created my own shadow work reiki methods that have been proven to be effective.

In this 3 day workshop we focus solely on you! Our first zoom or in person meeting will be to discuss how life for you looks now and what isn’t working. Then we discuss your goals and I will give you my professional plan of action. What all can be done during this 3 day workshop?

  • dive into a past life or 2 to find what you brought into this life that can be healed or removed entirely
  • Reiki healing
  • remove evil eye & negative attachments
  • deep shadow work where we go together in deep meditation and work at turning back on your light
  • mediumship – loved ones usually come through to provide messages of hope, clarity, and healing
  • Cut karmic cords
  • release generational curses
  • Evil eye removal

Whatever your specific needs are will be addressed. Where you feel shut down, we will wake back up! I use my years of experience as a Psychic medium, reiki master, spiritual life coach to help propel you to the best and most connected version of yourself.

Day 2 is your healing, and adjustments. This is not timed and is usually about 2-3 hours. We do not time soul healing.

At the end I will go over aftercare instructions and answer any questions you may have. Each appointment is 1.5 to 2 hours but I do not time any of it. This is soul healing! We dive deep to find all your blocks and work at removing as much as we can so you feel more connected, confident, happy, and at peace. If traumatic events derailed you, let’s get you back on track. I want you living and at your very best!